Iran’s dustbowl migration

It seems only a few decades ago, when Iran was home to some of the Earth’s most fertile and agricultural land. Large permanent rivers flowed through and contributed sediment-rich soil to the abundant oasis that was Khuzestan, a southwestern province of Iran.

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Using animals to take over the world

The history of exploiting animal labor in the expansion of global capitalism has gone broadly overlooked. Can we truly consider our ecological and social movements revolutionary if it excludes our moral obligations

The death of the Wild West

On the wild lands of the western United States, free-roaming mustangs can still be seen thundering across the open range. These spaces, however, are growing fewer and farther between — and if

The FBI’s longstanding anti-Black surveillance

On October 6th of 2017, a leaked official report detailing FBI’s August 3 intelligence assessment was obtained by Foreign Policy. The FBI report warned of what they called “black identity extremism” (BIE),

The effectiveness of AV’s vegan outreach

You’ll often hear people involved with “animal rights” organisation Anonymous for the Voiceless (AV) claim that AV’s method of getting people to “go vegan” is the most effective. How is this measured?

An end to fox hunting

In August 1958 several members of the League Against Cruel Sports put some fake trails in the area where a hunting drive was going to take place. It was the first hunt